Empowerment Starts One Community at a Time!

Boys Learning

Help the Underprivileged in Rural Ghana, Africa

Making An Impact in Rural Ghana Through Our Core Services

Library Services

Reading materials are available to everyone in the community. Safe place and environment for students to gather and learn in groups, work on math and english activities, play with educational games, make friends, overcome and avoid isolation.

Library’s resources are available to teachers to supplement their own lesson materials and pursue their out-of-class study needs.

ICT Programs

We train students (grades 4-12), teachers, and other adults how to use computers and access the Internet. We break their sense of isolation from the rest of the world.

As part of our rural development goals, to date, over 2,400 schoolchildren and adults have taken introduction ICT classes, and more than 3,000 people have learned and used the Internet.

Mentoring and Coaching Programs

We mentor girls and boys in English, Math, and Science to help them pass the Basic School Exams and get accepted into some of the better schools. Coach them to use their new found confidence to help tackle the harmful cultural norms that limit their aspirations.

Period Poverty - (Girls' Care) Program

“Period Poverty” program provides hygienic sanitary menstrual products for adolescent girls (11–16 year-olds). The program started in 2020 to enable the girls to manage their periods with dignity and empower them to take control of their lives and make informed decisions. RCEC coordinates this program with schools principals. Nurses are engaged to provide menstrual hygiene education, creating access for physical, psychological, emotional and medical help.

With menstrual products in hand, the hope is that girls in the program (i) will be less suspectable to teasing (ii) receive practical and emotional support from their peers (iii) know with relief and joy where to get emergency supplies in and out of school and (iv) booster school attendance and participation in activities during menstruation.

Help us continue to make a difference to the rural children of Ghana.
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Students on Laptops
Over 3000 school children and adults understand how to use the internet through our programs.

Teacher Instructing Students

Students Working

Students Working Together